Anyway, even if one wanted to, one couldn't put the clock back to an earlier age. Knowledge and techniques can't just be forgotten. Nor can one prevent further advances in the future. Even if all government money for research were cut off (and the present government is doing its best), the force of competition would still bring about advances in technology. Moreover, one cannot stop inquiring minds from thinking about basic science, whether or not they are paid for it. The only way to prevent further developments would be a global state that suppressed anything new, and human initiative and inventiveness are such that even this wouldn't succeed. All it would do is slow down the rate of change.
温室效应的行不行呢?(GLOBAL WARMING)
Everywhere you look right now you will hear about the pheonomia of “global warming.” To understand global warming you need to understand the difference between climate and weather. Climate, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary is “the average course or condition of the weather at a place over a period of years as exhibited by tepemperature, wind velocity, and precipition” while weather is the “state of the atmosphere with respectto heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness” (Webster). Therefore climate describes the weather over time. Climate change and global warming are frequently used interchangeable but like climate and weather they do have different definitions. “Climate change refers to any significant change in measures of climate for an extended period” and global warming is an increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to changes in global climate.
Global warming is caused by several causes such as pollution from factories, carbon dioxide from rotting trees, the burning of coal, natural gasses and fossil fuels lead to methane travelling into the Earth's atmosphere any transportation vehicles, water vapour, and many other little things, which contribute to make global warming even worse.
Scientists have different opinions about whether the current global warming is natural or unusual. Some believe that it is part of the Eath's natural cycle of warming and cooling. However most believe that what we are now experiencing is unusual and has been caused by human activities.
Another great contributor to Global Warming is water Vapour. You may be thinking how does water vapour contribute to Global Warming, well the answer is water vapour does not directly contribute to Global Warming. It contributes to the Greenhouse Effect, which then leads to Global Warming. In fact, water vapour makes up sixty percent of the Greenhouse gasses, twenty percent is carbon dioxide and the other twenty percent is caused by nitrous oxide , methane , ozone and other varieties of gasses.
We can help to reduce the Green House Gas (GHG) emmissions in order to help to stop the global warming and climate change.
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